/market/market_pair /depth/
/market/market_pair /trades/
/market/market_pair /
Coins-E trade API lets you to trade over 100 coins.
To get started get your public/private keys
The response from the server is in standard JSON format. There are three params which are returned with every request.
$ curl
"status": true,
"message": "success",
"systime": 1372852975,
"markets": [
"status": "healthy",
"c2": "BTC",
"c1": "WDC",
"trade_fee": "0.00300000",
"coin2": "bitcoin",
"coin1": "worldcoin",
"pair": "WDC_BTC"
$ curl
"status": true,
"message": "success",
"systime": 1372852975,
"coins": [
"confirmations": 4,
"trade_fee_percent": "0.30",
"trade_fee": "0.003",
"status": "maintanance",
"tier": 1,
"name": "bitcoin",
"block_time": 600,
"withdrawal_fee": "0.00050000",
"coin": "BTC",
"confirmation_time": 2400,
"folder_name": "bitcoin"
"confirmations": 5,
"trade_fee_percent": "0.30",
"trade_fee": "0.00300000",
"status": "healthy",
"tier": 1,
"name": "digitalcoin",
"block_time": 20,
"withdrawal_fee": "0.20000000",
"coin": "DGC",
"confirmation_time": 100,
"folder_name": "digitalcoin"
$ curl
"status": true,
"message": "success",
"markets": {
"RED_BTC": {
"status": "healthy",
"c2": "BTC",
"c1": "RED",
"marketstat": {
"ltq": "56.70000000",
"ltp": "0.00000299",
"total_bid_q": "1986391.93245100",
"total_ask_q": "169909.00000000",
"bid": "0.00000550",
"24h": {
"volume": "6396.70000000",
"h": "0.00000299",
"avg_rate": "0.00000056",
"l": "0.00000054"
"bid_q": "2000.00000000",
"ask": "0.00000900",
"ask_q": "2000.00000000"
"marketdepth": {
"bids": [
"q": "2000.00000000",
"cq": "2000.00000000",
"r": "0.00000550",
"n": 1
"q": "0.93245100",
"cq": "2000.93245100",
"r": "0.00000185",
"n": 1
"q": "3.00000000",
"cq": "2003.93245100",
"r": "0.00000129",
"n": 1
"q": "99.00000000",
"cq": "2102.93245100",
"r": "0.00000099",
"n": 1
"q": "114.00000000",
"cq": "2216.93245100",
"r": "0.00000067",
"n": 1
"q": "5000.00000000",
"cq": "7216.93245100",
"r": "0.00000051",
"n": 1
"q": "1000000.00000000",
"cq": "1007216.93245100",
"r": "0.00000002",
"n": 1
"q": "979175.00000000",
"cq": "1986391.93245100",
"r": "0.00000001",
"n": 1
"asks": [
"q": "2000.00000000",
"cq": "2000.00000000",
"r": "0.00000900",
"n": 1
"q": "340.00000000",
"cq": "2340.00000000",
"r": "0.00001800",
"n": 1
"q": "149069.00000000",
"cq": "151409.00000000",
"r": "0.00002200",
"n": 2
"q": "2000.00000000",
"cq": "153409.00000000",
"r": "0.00003500",
"n": 1
"q": "2000.00000000",
"cq": "155409.00000000",
"r": "0.00003800",
"n": 1
"q": "2000.00000000",
"cq": "157409.00000000",
"r": "0.00004000",
"n": 1
"q": "500.00000000",
"cq": "157909.00000000",
"r": "0.00006660",
"n": 1
"q": "7000.00000000",
"cq": "164909.00000000",
"r": "0.00008980",
"n": 1
"q": "5000.00000000",
"cq": "169909.00000000",
"r": "0.00012000",
"n": 1
"systime": 1373345914
Returns a consolidated list of all markets. The return data includes market stats and also the market depth.
$ curl
"message": "success",
"status": true,
"systime": 1372852975,
"marketdepth": {
"bids": [
"n": 1,
"q": "4.28200000",
"r": "1.52249000",
"cq": "4.28200000"
"n": 1,
"q": "1.12300000",
"r": "0.76124500",
"cq": "5.40500000"
"n": 1,
"q": "11.00000000",
"r": "0.12230000",
"cq": "16.40500000"
"asks": [
"n": 1,
"q": "8.98400000",
"r": "2.92858000",
"cq": "8.98400000"
Returns lists of asks and bids corresponding to the given pair.
$ curl
"status": true,
"message": "success",
"trades": [
"pair": "WDC_BTC",
"buy_order_no": "6402043891679232",
"id": "0.76124500/5909462682435584-1.52249000/6402043891679232",
"rate": "1.52249000",
"created": 1372442273,
"quantity": "2.45600000",
"status": "settled",
"sell_order_no": "5909462682435584"
"pair": "WDC_BTC",
"buy_order_no": "4994669008125952",
"id": "2.19643500/5205775240658944-2.28373500/4994669008125952",
"rate": "2.28373500",
"created": 1372442270,
"quantity": "5.61500000",
"status": "settled",
"sell_order_no": "5205775240658944"
"systime": 1372852975
Returns lists of recent trades corresponding to the given pair.
"status": true,
"message": "success",
"wallets": {
"DGC": {
"a": "0.99800000",
"h": "0.0",
"u": "0.00000000"
"WDC": {
"a": "83.99800000",
"h": "0.00000000",
"u": "0.00000000"
"BTC": {
"a": "3.05354081",
"h": "0.00000002",
"u": "0.00000000"
"XPM": {
"a": "1.99100000",
"h": "0.00000000",
"u": "0.0"
"ANC": {
"a": "511.87400000",
"h": "0.00000000",
"u": "0.00000000"
"systime": 1372852975
Returns all wallets including funds available for trade, funds on hold and unconfimed funds.
"status": true,
"message": "success",
"wallet": {
"available": "98.65045400",
"onhold": "1.34954600",
"unconfirmed": "0.0"
"systime": 1372852975
Returns the wallet of the requested coin including funds available for trade, funds on hold and unconfimed funds.
"status": true,
"message": "success",
"deposit_address": "1Q1RaxqZipDgaUg4r7KYqgoftZGhba1CyV",
"systime": 1372852975
Returns a deposit address for the requested coin.
"status": true,
"message": "success",
"systime": 1372852975
If a deposit was made and if the deposit is yet to reflect in your wallet, requesting an 'updatewallet' forces the servers to check your wallet for new deposits.
Market Pair: is in the format of C1_C2, where C1 is the first coin's three letter abbrevation and C2 is the second coin's three letter abbrevation. Eg. WDC_BTC denotes worldcoin vs bitcoin
Understand the order workflow. Please understand that orders are not executed immiediately when the order is placed, they are placed in a queue and executed using a FIFO model.
"status": true,
"message": "B/0.00212300/5517761665040384 received",
"order": {
"status": "queued",
"order_type": "buy",
"quantity_remaining": "1.00000000",
"created": 1372846830,
"id": "B/0.00212300/5517761665040384",
"quantity": "1.00000000",
"rate": "0.00212300",
"is_open": true,
"pair": "WDC_BTC",
"fee_rate": "0.00300000"
"systime": 1372846830
Submit a new order to the market.
"status": true,
"message": "success",
"order": {
"status": "queued",
"order_type": "buy",
"quantity_remaining": "1.00000000",
"created": 1372846830,
"id": "B/0.00212300/5517761665040384",
"quantity": "1.00000000",
"rate": "0.00212300",
"is_open": true,
"pair": "WDC_BTC",
"fee_rate": "0.00300000"
"systime": 1372846830
Returns a single order corresponding to the order id.
"status": true,
"message": "success",
"order": {
"status": "cancel requested",
"order_type": "buy",
"quantity_remaining": "1.00000000",
"created": 1372846830,
"id": "B/0.00212300/5517761665040384",
"quantity": "1.00000000",
"rate": "0.00212300",
"is_open": true,
"pair": "WDC_BTC",
"fee_rate": "0.00300000"
"systime": 1372846830
Requests the order corresponding to the order id to be cancelled.
"status": true,
"message": "success",
"next_cursor": "E-ABAOsB8gEHY3JlYXRlZPoBCQiI-ab9jJO4AuwBggJiagtkZXZ-Qw",
"orders": [
"status": "cancelled",
"order_type": "buy",
"created": 1372847281,
"quantity_remaining": "0.0",
"fee_rate": "0.00300000",
"rate": "0.00212300",
"is_open": false,
"pair": "WDC_BTC",
"id": "B/0.00212300/6643661571883008",
"quantity": "1.00000000"
"status": "cancelled",
"order_type": "buy",
"created": 1372846830,
"quantity_remaining": "0.0",
"fee_rate": "0.00300000",
"rate": "0.00212300",
"is_open": false,
"pair": "WDC_BTC",
"id": "B/0.00212300/5517761665040384",
"quantity": "1.00000000"
"systime": 1372859011
Returns a list of orders assosiated with your account on the specified market.
[ active/all ] Defaults to active
active:Returns orders that are active (cancelled and fully executed orders are not returned.
all:Returns all orders.